Monday, March 17, 2008

robert novak - spreading left-wing conspiracy theories again

Novak on the Spitzer case: 'entrapment'

as Roger Stone says, 'no comment'.

In the meantime, isn't is great how the same folks who say that the solution to the Health Care crisis is to simply let the 'wisdom of the Free Market' to sort everything out, are now shoveling YOUR tax dollars into profligate Wall Street firms, to protect the careers of well-connected investment bankers? God forbid that tax dollars should go to help drowning Just Plain Folks (who already pay a far higher proportion of their income as taxes, than investment bankers).

Maybe, in the interest of honesty, we need a slight adjustment to the concept of 'Government of the people, by the people, for the people'. It seems to have perished from the Earth.

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