Tuesday, March 04, 2008

no pain meds since Saturday!

Not only have I stopped taking the meds, but I actually got out of the house twice yesterday - to my normal piano-playing volunteer work at the Jewish Home (i.e. Rose Schnitzer Manor), and downtown to a lecture in the 'Brain Awareness' series.

Of course, driving is still out of the question - that will be a welcome return. I get the stitches out tomorrow, which will be an opportunity to take another photo to see what's changed. I feel a major reduction in swelling has happened over the past 3-4 days, and, although my foot is kept elevated most of the time, I no longer feel that blood-rushing discomfort when I get upright.

Meanwhile, I am thinking about the good voters in today's primary states. Can't wait for the evening news, to hear about turnout levels, demographics, and results. I don't care who ultimately gets the Democratic nomination, but am really encouraged to hear about participation levels - to me, that's the big news.

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