Wednesday, March 12, 2008

i'm rambling again

In Albany, the NY State Republicans are yelling 'Impeachment', and, to avoid a protracted, nasty trial, Spitzer resigns. I guess those devoted public servants felt that, having a majority, they have the right to insist on the removal of their chief executive, for what they judge to be unforgivable crimes.


what about this?

or this?

how about this?

there's always this?

Yeah, I know - none of these issues are nearly as serious as hiding money spent on high-priced hookers. What was I thinking?

So, the question becomes 'why is this, Democrats'?

The only possible answer, that comes to my paranoid mind (tempered by observing how the Rove White House operates), is that the Congressional Democrats know that Rove has a file listing at least one evil/shameful act that each of them has committed, and, if they dare to attack Bush or any of his buddies (as Spitzer did), they will be destroyed.

The message is 'see, we can bring anyone down that we choose and shame them for life, so just Shut up and live'. Far-fetched? I think not. It's the way they operate - harness every facet of government to destroy anyone who obstructs their efforts to drain the US treasury.

Impossible, you say? How about the US attorney purge? Old news, right? How about this minor example, from today's Washington Post? Got it? Anyone who doesn't play along is destroyed.

"Land of the Free; Home of the Brave." Always wear your flag pin!

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