Monday, September 18, 2006

a little volunteer action

This evening, I spent 2 hours volunteering at a MoveOn.ORG phone bank, calling folks to solicit volunteers to make some phone calls in their get-out-the-vote campaign.

It wasn't hard, because I was calling other MoveOn.ORG members. I made 85 calls, and actually got 4 people to commit to make one hour of phone calls in the next week. The trainer at the office said I'd be doing good if I got 3 people.

Even the folks who could not commit to volunteer action at this time expressed the expected revulsion at Our Leader and his horrendous record of Constitutional abuses. Always pleasant to hear.

It all comes down to who counts the votes, though, and the prospects are not totally encouraging. Is it all for nought?

Meanwhile, Olberman strikes again!

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