Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I just love this

These come out every Tuesday, and they are always a hoot. Very clever stuff.

I had quite the evening last night. On the answering machine was a message from my Bar Mitzvah rabbi, from back in upstate New York, who I haven't been in touch with for many, many years. He had come across a letter I had written to him, God knows how long ago (!), and just wanted to say hello.

We connected later in the evening and talked for at least a half-hour. He is now semi-retired and living in south Florida. He wanted to know all about my life, and was delighted to hear that my mother is still alive and doing well.

This man was a major influence on my life - a real mentor who encouraged my questions and curiosity, and was a great role model - very smart and eloquent, with a young good-looking wife actually named Marilyn. I spent many hours in his study, talking about matters Jewish and otherwise. It's certainly been almost 40 years since we actually spoke with each other.

At the beginning of the conversation, he asked "how are you doing", and I said "in two months I will be 55." There was a pause on his end, as he absorbed this reality.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, is your birthday in December?