Friday, September 15, 2006

developing memes

Over the past few days, I have been gratified to see the words 'war crimes' mentioned on more and more sites, even the 'more establishment' sites.

Folks, let's remember that it's in the interest of every nation to follow the Geneva Conventions in order to safeguard THEIR OWN soldiers. The arrogant abbrogation of these standards by BushCo is only one of their many sins, but, strangely enough, since its enforcement is outside of Republican control, it's one (maybe the ONLY one, since the 'Elections' are already fixed) that could actually happen.

Since the penalty for causing the death of illegally-treated captives is death, it will be interesting, if prosecutions ever occur, to see the sentence, when Rumsfeld, Cheney, and His Idiotness are standing in the box.

Nah - never happen. I can easily see The Cabal deciding that Bush has to be eliminated, for the good of the Profit Center. Maybe the October Surprise will have us mourning a Fallen Leader? Wouldn't that be Karl's masterpiece? Now, all they need to do is find a body that looks as much like Bush as that other guy's body looked just like Ken Lay.

Too much coffee. Time to get to work.


Anonymous said...

Too much coffee? Inconceivable. Post makes perfect sense to me.

Barry in Portland said...

Uh oh - making perfect sense is the last thing I expect from this blog.