Sunday, February 24, 2008

the day without pain meds

Well, I had the best intentions, and lasted most of the day, but now, at 5 pm, it's down the hatch for Dr. Vicodin.


Joe Litton said...

I've been enjoying (that's not the right word, I guess) reading your chronicles of recovery. Are you taking so much Vicodin that they'll send you to rehab? No, no, no (apologies to Amy W).

It was a valiant effort to forgo the narcotics. Given that you waited until the pain was getting crazy, I'd say that's a healthy approach. Of course, I'm not one to talk, since I really have no reference point, surgery-wise.

And, like you, glad to see Hillary realizing that it's not a given that she'll be the Appointed One. Hopefully Barack will not get a fat head (I don't think he will ...I really do think he maintains a healthy perspective for the most part). And I likewise am hoping that Ralph, sort of like Kucinich and others, will serve to inject some depth in the discussions. But whereas I was readily supporting Kucinich and hoping he'd somehow make it, I have no such hopes for Nadar this time.

Barry in Portland said...

I still have great admiration for what Ralph has done over the decades, and the issues he raises.

Politically, though, I am now totally happy with the notion of what a 'President Obama' would mean for the trajectory of US History.


In the inevitable downfall, that has overtaken all prior Empires over the past 4000 years, there have always been periods when a reformer Leader came in after the 'retirement' of a VERY bad Leader, and there was hope in the populace that the slide into disaster could be averted.

That's the good news - the bad news is that disaster is never actually averted, because events generally prove that one good Leader is generally insufficient to overcome the rot, which generally has corrupted the entire economic system, generally due to human greed.

Generally speaking.

That being said, I can feel the sense of 'now we have a chance to get things back on track', that is spreading throughout the land, despite the efforts of the infernal Media Noise Machine.