Among all the things you know about me, you probably don't know that Karen has been making fun of my deformed left foot for years.
When I was a little kid, I remember hearing my grandmother complaining incessantly about her
bunions. I always thought that was such a funny-sounding word.
It stopped being funny about 15 years ago.
About a month ago, I looked at the calendar, and realized I have a window where I can get it corrected and deal with the 6-8 weeks of general discomfort, inactivity, and restricted mobility.
Tomorrow, I fly to Wisconsin for my mom's 94th birthday. I return to Portland next Tuesday night, weather permitting.
Wednesday afternoon, I'm getting a
bunionectomy. The surgical method is called 'external fixation', which means that there will be screws protruding thru the skin, attached to an external metal device that resembles a medieval torture accessory, but is supposed to permit me to walk in two weeks. The alternative is to have all the screws internal, but that requires no weight-bearing for 6-8 weeks, and I think that would drive me nuts.
It will be the end of March before everything is healed.
It's going to be a long stretch, but presents ample opportunity to solicit pity.
Today, I spent hours driving around to pick up my X-rays at the podiatrist, get an EKG, get my blood tested, get a handicapped parking permit from DMV, meet with the surgeon to answer my final questions and clarify what to expect once I'm post-op, and pick up Vicodin and Oxycodyn prescriptions.
I have set up our living room as my temporary bedroom, with the fold-out couch, a little TV and stereo (both with remotes), my laptop, a rolling office-chair (for navigating to the bathroom), and a nice stack of books. Here is the stack of books (the one under 'River Town' is 'The Old Curiosity Shop', by Charles Dickens):

In the freezer, are 6 packages of frozen peas and corn, since I have to (ready for this?) ice my foot for 20 minutes out of every waking hour, for at least the first week. In the bathroom are the two vials of narcotics (one ominously marked 'for severe pain').
Upstairs is my mostly-packed suitcase. Four days in frozen Wisconsin, hanging around Mom and her cronies, and a long day of travel on Tuesday, and then, once I get back home Tuesday night, a few hours to make the final plans and get some sleep, before heading into surgery. It's going to be a whirlwind, between this moment, and when I arrive back home Wednesday afternoon, and sink into bed for a few days.
In the meantime, I am playing piano this evening at the Jewish Old Folks home, where two of the members of the chorus (that I accompany every week) are getting married tonight. Last month, the 88 year-old bride was in the hospital, and, last week, the 90 year-old groom had a heart-attack. When they announced their engagement last November (and intent to get married on Valentines Day), everybody said "what are you waiting for?".
Finally, you didn't think you'd get away from this without having to see the 'before' photo, right? Bye-bye, bunion. 
Pretty weird, eh?