Monday, April 09, 2012

I've Got a Feeling I'm Falling

Yes, it's a reference to the classic Fats Waller song, but, today, I'm thinking of the ('classic' does not begin to describe it) Hitchcock film, 'Vertigo', which was filmed all around the Bay Area, including the critical (an understatement) sequence(s) at San Juan Bautista.

I headed there this morning, to make a pilgrimage to the site of my obsessions. I was last here in 1976.  Frequent viewers of the film (if you are not among these, why not?) will surely recognize:

Looking across the square, to the livery stable and building where the inquest took place.  Both were securely locked up, to keep out gawkers such as me.

View of the chapel, from where 'Madeline' looks over her shoulder and pulls away from Scottie ("there's something I have to do").

Jimmy Stewart and Kim Novak were here.  As you may have heard, it did not end well, twice.
Yes, this bell tower is a fairly recent construction.  Hitch (you knew this already) did a matte shot to create the bell-tower that did not exist in the 50's.
Pulling away from the town, heading back toward Watsonville, I drove along the (surprisingly brief) eucalyptus corridor (Highway 101) that figures in the mood-setting scenes where Scottie drives both Madeline and Judy to the Mission.

'Vertigo' can be viewed with10 minutes advanced notice at my house, any evening.

Leaving Santa Cruz tomorrow, heading for Ashland.  My work here is done.

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