Monday, April 14, 2008

off to vacation-land

Karen and I leave for the airport in an hour, to spend a few days with family in Santa Cruz. Her 97 year-old mother is flying up from Pasadena, and we all converge in San Jose around 2 pm, hopefully to be met by Karen's brother, who will drive us all to Santa Cruz.

With my foot still encased in The Boot, my mobility is limited, so I anticipate a lot of reading and card-playing coming up. Suits me.

With the past weekend having had the most gorgeous weather in about a year, we took the opportunity to do a lot of yard-work. Although it's great to see the yard in good condition, I'm ready for a break.

Not sure what the wifi situation down there will be - the last time I was at my brother-in-law's house, I was able to poach a very weak wifi signal from a neighbor, that was barely adequate. It will be interesting to see what's available and open in his neighborhood these days. If not, there are a number of hotspots at coffee places a few blocks away.

In the old days, travellers worried about robbers - nowadays we worry about finding a strong, non-encrypted path to the Internet. This is progress.

By the way, Obama was right - bitterness is in the air, with growing consciousness of the past 28 years of successful class warfare (perpetrated by the rich).


Anonymous said...

Oh man ... did you listen to Thom Hartmann this morning?

He made an excellent point about how the Clinton campaign is really blowing it with this latest Obama "scandal". Clinton missed a huge opportunity to piggyback on Obama's comments by pointing out the right wing's War on the Middle Class, and instead chose to play silly, dirty, politics ... again.

It's getting frustrating out here ...

Anonymous said...

Oh man ... did you listen to Thom Hartmann this morning?

He made an excellent point about how the Clinton campaign is really blowing it with this latest Obama "scandal". Clinton missed a huge opportunity to piggyback on Obama's comments by pointing out the right wing's War on the Middle Class, and instead chose to play silly, dirty, politics ... again.

It's getting frustrating out here ...

Barry in Portland said...

No, I missed Thom this morning, but he's been very good over the years on the Class War, that was originally declared under the reign of St. Ronnie.