Time to visit with Dr. Gentile again! We took new X-rays today. He looked things over and said that he definitely sees evidence of new bone growth. This is a good thing.

Here you can see that there is still a lot of swelling, but it's nice to know that there is progress.
Uh oh - is that a mini-bunion that's suddenly more obvious over there on the right foot? Yikes! Not again!

Time to clean everything and reapply the dressing.

Now for the bad news. He felt it was too soon to remove the pins and external fixator. We are planning on a short trip to Santa Cruz in a couple of weeks. Maybe we'll get the fixator off on April 11th, before we leave.
Even so, it looks like I'm going to be wearing The Boot for another 4 weeks. I am getting a little tired of clomping around with it, but the Doc calls the shots.
Wow, you've been through a lot with that foot! I have a bunion forming on my left foot also though the big toe does not hide behind the next one. I hope I don't ever need this surgery. Are bunions related to calcium deficiencies? Glad you're doing better! Now see, if you were in Russia this would all probably be paid for by the gov. no? Maybe your brother could help you out? :)
> Maybe your brother could help
> you out? :)
too funny
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