That's just over 2 months. Today was the day I've been waiting for.
First, let's take a look at the inside story. Those 4 parallel lines are the pins that are today's target. The vertical thing is the external fixator. The doc was pleased with bone growth that his educated eyes could plainly see.

And here's the outside story. Got it? (Love those happy feet!)

First, whip out the hypodermic and inject a little anesthesia.

Then, a few twists of the allen wrench and the fixator is off! Its destiny is to be sterilized, and then shipped off to somebody else in the world, who's in need of fixation. This is a good thing.

Now, I hold my breath as each of the 4 pins is carefully unscrewed and pulled out of my foot. It wasn't bad - an odd sensation - not painful, but definitely weird.

OK, two down - two to go.

And we're done! Each little hole quickly filled with blood, which will scab over soon. I need to keep it dry for 2-3 days, but still wear The Boot for another couple of weeks.
The big news is that I am cleared to try driving a manual transmission car, as long as I wear a stiff-soled shoe. Will try that Monday.
Nice work, doc!

He wrapped it all up again, with some antibiotic creme. No more 'cage-rage'!
Next appointment in two weeks, and it may be the final visit. Then I can go back to writing about the decline and fall of human civilization. Time to make some rice.
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