Saturday, June 30, 2007

a night at the movies

Went to our local multiplex this evening, with Karen and a couple of friends. Before the previews began, the theater ran what amounted to an ad for the National Guard, praising its wonderful advantages and other benefits.

We all sat there muttering to ourselves, until someone had the courage to shout 'Bring them home now." The theater erupted in applause and cheers, and I turned to my friends and said "I love this town."

And then the movie began - Sicko.

We emerged from it depressed and enraged. You will, too. See it.

Canada is looking better all the time.


Unknown said...

I agree Canada looks pretty darn good. When we walked out of that movie, the first thing I said to Joe was, 'Which country we movin' to?'

Barry in Portland said...

In a couple of weeks, we will be up on the Olympic Penninsula, and we're planning a day-trip to Victoria.

Maybe they will have a brochure at Customs, explaining 'Everything you need to know if you want to move here'.