Since he's been living away from home for almost two years now, it's always a surprise to see him here. This morning (Saturday) is his last Drivers Ed class, and, naturally, he had not completed the 'project' that the teacher mentioned (as a requirement for passing) as being due at the last class.
Yes, it's bullshit, of course, but it's a requirement, and he needs to pass the class in order to get the Insurance Certificate. At any rate, he had interviewed a couple of drivers who were Short-time and Mid-time drivers, and he wanted to interview me, as a Long-time driver. Fair enough, and I sat down and answered the questions (which were pretty good), while he typed away.
At that point, I was ready to go to bed (Karen had long since retired). Ben was going to stay up on the computer, reformatting and printing his material. Before I left, I considered for a moment saying "turn off all the lights when you go to bed", but felt that, heck, a 20 year-old would surely not have to be told this.
Of course, I'm the first one up this morning, and the first thing I did was turn off all the lights that had been blazing away all night. I am not a child of the Depression, although my parents were. Maybe that's the difference.
Why does the unnecessary waste of electricity bother me? Is it ultimately connected to this, or is it just a habit of mine, or is it a symptom of the up-and-coming generation, who, I fear, has not yet grasped the inter-connectivity of our lives?
I don't know, but, looking back, I feel like I've spent my life turning out lights in long-empty rooms.
Should be a busy day today, as we prepare for tonight's birthday party for Dylan (to be 19). We are expecting 20 guests - family, family friends, and Dylan's friends. Ben and his girl-friend will also be here.
Tomorrow afternoon is a big anti-war rally in Portland, then, at 4, we have a cast-party from the Purim show Karen and I were in a couple of weeks ago, then, at 6, we are to go to another birthday party (for Karen's cousin), and then, around 9 pm tomorrow night, I head to the airport for the red-eye to Tampa.
Now, however, it's time for a 2nd cup of coffee, before I clean the bathroom (with the lights on).
Meanwhile, here's a great cartoon:

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