Sunday, January 21, 2007


Karen and I went to see it last night. Haven't laughed so hard at a movie since 'Dodgeball'. Actually, never saw 'Dodgeball', but thought it would be funny.

My main desktop PC, in just-about-constant use for over 2 years, has been showing odd hardware problems (up to three separate oddities) over the past couple of months, so I figured it was time to leisurely plan a replacement - never a pleasant task.

Out to craisglist, and, of course, it comes thru again. Purchased a Slim-line Dell (i.e. it's REALLY slim) - 2.4 Ghz, 256 MB RAM (I plan to upgrade to 512), and a 40 GB hard drive (I'm only using 20 on my current 80), for $160. Seemed like a fair deal.

While contemplating how I was going to move my files over, I realized that my 512 MB USB jump drive (which doubles as an MP3 player), is barely adequate, and Karen was hinting that she'd like a second jump drive (I bought her a 1 GB, that she uses for work backups).

Again, off to craigslist - I plan to meet a guy over on the East side later this morning - he has a couple of 1 GB and 2 GB jump drives. One of them is U3 compatible, which, I understand, is some new-fangled system for carrying an entire PC environment, with applications, etc., on a jump drive - for folks who travel from PC to PC, want their entire digital world with them (with passwords, etc), without leaving any trace on the host machine. That sounds great, but I'd hate to have that much confidential information on something that could fall out of a shirt pocket.

Back to Borat - I have to envy the guy's courage, and can't imagine why Pamela Anderson didn't press charges. She must have a very big set of scruples.

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