Saturday, July 08, 2006

EJ Dionne piece

pretty darn good

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been following the reports of the Mexican election and it just looks SOOOOOOO much like what we've seen here in the states. OK, and like what Mexico saw in 1988. Sigh. Well, at least we now have 27 states that are requiring a paper trail of the electronic voting. But so much further to go. And ANY system is prone to 'irregularities'. Gosh, it does get tiring ...but then, nothing will change unless we keep raising our voices and pointing out the deception and dishonesty when we see it ...and working to elect the principled and honest candidates that will truly work for the betterment of the lives of the people ...when we can find such candidates.

Oh, and welcome back, sir. Looking forward to the pics!