Thursday, July 06, 2006

deja vu

The NY Times reports on the Mexican election. The leftists are (rightly) claiming that 'mistakes' have been made in the tallying of votes. In one case, officials decided to pick 6 random boxes of votes, and compare their contents with the associated tally sheets,

In all 6 cases, the actual count of votes yielded a different outcome from the initial tally. It also appears that errors, somehow, seemed to consistently favor Calderon, the candiate of (ahem) 'Big Business'.

Let us hope that the citizens of Mexico can demonstrate for an apathetic American public how to go about registering outrage, that an election is being stolen in broad daylight. I don't wish for chaos and bloodshed, just a growing sense, among the people of both our countries, that "we're as mad as Hell, and we're not going to take it anymore."

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