Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Is it Game Over for humanity? If so, then it makes perfect sense that the Wall Street crowd's philosophy is to grab everything they can, in the hope that they can buy safety and security in their compounds as long as possible. Meanwhile, the rest of the world (i.e. the other 99%) should shut up and fork over everything.

In the words of Craig Carothers ("More for Me") :

The world is shrinking and I've been thinking
how ominous the future seems to be
everybody needs to make the sacrifice to simplify their lives
and that would guarantee

more for me; more for me
you think it's not fair? tell someone who cares, but who would that be?

more for me; more for me
give up what you've got, and there'll be a lot more for me

it'll be an adjustment but I've always believed
that everyone should give and I should receive
'cause there's so many people and it's plain to see
it would be best if you would take less and leave more for me

more for me; more for me
'cause there's never enough so fork over your stuff immediately

more for me; more for me
just give up what you've got and there'll be a lot more for me

you can have squat I'll have a lot more for me

the world is shrinking.

Isn't it ironic that the Bush crowd, instead of being remembered as War Criminals, torturers, and shredders of the Constitution, will be remembered as the Most Brazen Socialists in human history?

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