Thursday, June 12, 2008

3 posts in quick succession this morning?

I can't help it - the world is too weird. The Louisiana House of Representatives just passed a bill to 'let teachers supplement school science textbooks with other materials'.

Hmmm - what 'other materials' could they be thinking about? I'm fairly certain that the intent here was NOT to enable teachers to screen those National Geographic videos proving evolution.

The vote, by the way, was 94-3.

On one blog discussing this, a Texan wrote in 'at least the Texas legislature is no longer the most stupid in the country'.

That it for now, my friends - time to head off for my bi-weekly physical therapy. Coming up on 4 months with my new Left Foot. Still a little painful - still a little swollen - but still making progress.

Also, we just received our plane tickets for Turkey in October. That kinda makes it real (as if all the charges on our credit card were only symbolic!).

Gotta run (so to speak).

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