Sunday, November 18, 2007

Have you tried OpenDNS?

My geek-friend Dave told me about this last night, surprised that I had not yet heard about it.

Today, I reconfigured my DSL Router to hit their IP addresses for DNS and, by George, it really does noticeably improve Web browsing. Incredible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We also just began using OpenDNS during the past week. I've configured it to block phishing and freaky sites (Shirley was once looking to buy more of the kind of ball that one of the cats likes to play with ...when she searched on "balls" the results were not at all what she'd intended :) ...and I've enabled some shortcuts to save a few keystrokes when going to frequently hit sites. And customized the error screen logo, and did a little other playing. Very cool tool, that OpenDNS!