Thursday, November 08, 2007

cute kitten photos...

...will NOT be posted here, until I get you to look at this. I had heard about this book a few weeks ago and got it from our library.

Just finished it a couple of days ago, and its effect is still reverberating.

Considering how much time I've been spending the past few months, actively contacting government people to advocate emissions controls, CO2 caps, etc, the arguments advanced by these guys makes all that effort seem misdirected.

The basic argument, to over-simplify, is that Global Climate change is coming and it can't be stopped by current legislative efforts. Rather than visualize humanity retreating to a simpler life and scaled-back economy, the best action would be to accept the inevitability and harness traditional human cleverness (sic) to think and innovate our way into dealing with the changes and ADAPT.

I guess that's easy to say, from someone who lives 400 feet above sea-level. If I were a Floridian or a Pakistani, or a New Yorker, the vision of a 30-foot rise in sea-level might be more difficult to adapt to.

In Holland, they are building floating cities. Think about it.

Now, about the kittens: they are almost a month old, beginning to eat kitty kibble and using the litter-box. They will be ready to find new homes in a couple of weeks. They are truly adorable, and I WILL post some photos soon.

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