Friday, November 30, 2007

bible, bible, bible, bible....

Is anyone else out there dumbfounded that time at the last Republican 'debate' was spent on asking the doofuses if they believe that the Bible is 'the word of God'? The only thing worse than that question was the predictable parade of responses that were so patently pandering to the Christianistsas.

I wouldn't mind so much if the logical follow-up occurred (after each old-White-guy had had his say), with the moderator then holding up a Koran and asking 'what do you say to the millions of folks who believe that THIS book is also the Word of God'?

Oh, Lord (so to speak), how I yearn for the day when a presidential candidate is not afraid to say "I respect people of faith, and the strength they derrive from the Bible's message, but, frankly, I suspect that much of organized religion is a major con job, and that believers are SUCKERS."

Yeah, in my dreams.

What passes for political debate in the MSM is utterly pathetic. How can the Professionals in that business look at themselves in the mirror? Why can't everyone perform their work with total integrity and committment to honest quality, like programmers?

By the way, have you rented 'Jesus Camp' yet? You should.

Currently re-reading (3rd time): 'Live From Golgotha,' Gore Vidal's HILARIOUS send-up of religion, advertising, and time-travel sci-fi.

Next book on the pile: 'The Assault on Reason', by Al Gore. I suspect that it will further fuel my indignation (ya think?).

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