Wednesday, August 02, 2006

danger, Will Robinson...

Well, it's officially August now, the traditional time of year for world wars to begin.

Given armies on the move, 'mistakes' upon 'mistakes', inflamed media, long memories, desperate people, and impotent leaders, and all you need to add is the final spark, to cause one side to commit an absolutely irrevocable move.

Is it time to stockpile rice and beans?

There's the macro level. Now the micro level.

Maisie has pretty much stopped eating. We are discussing putting her down, either tomorrow or Friday, before we leave for a week. She has lasted much longer than the vet originally predicted, and we are almost at the point where declining 'quality of life' is really apparent.

Everything in the world is looking grim today.

Maybe coffee will help - hey - I should stockpile that, too!

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