Sunday, August 17, 2008

the critical importance of a vice president with experience

I see this meme everywhere: Obama must pick someone like Joe Biden, to calm 'fears' that his inexperience on the international stage is tempered by a Vice President who has been a public figure for many years.

Hmm - wasn't this same argument advanced to argue for W? Cheney had been a fixture of inner circles since the Ford years, and his supposed cool head and big-picture awareness was supposed to compensate for a President whose foreign experience was limited to a Spring Break in Mexico.

I kinda like Biden, and think he'd be fine.

Meanwhile, McCain panders to the crazies by, at yesterday's religious forum, proclaims his belief that a 'baby' begins at the moment of conception. What year is this?

1 comment:

Joe Litton said...

of course, McSame doesn't really believe much of anything. Just says whatever his handlers tell him might sell. ...except for when he doesn't have a pat line ready ...then he gets flustered.