Monday, April 02, 2007

as we have long suspected...

this great post by Digby ties it all together. The Karl Rove operatives have been working tirelessly to corrupt the highest levels of our republic, since their preparations for the Coup of 2000. The new Monica makes the sins of the old Monica laughably (almost) trivial.


Meanwhile, I was struck, while listening to the radio news this morning, how odd it is that Americans just can't be bothered to devote their precious energies to the many human tragedies around the world, but it's Headline News that, now, up to 16 pets have died from tainted goodies.

Millions of (non-white, non-Christian) humans dead vs. 16 pets. Apparently, now, folks are preparing lawsuits, claiming emotional distress over Muffy's untimely end.

Americans: so sheltered; so isolated. So plugged into The Matrix.

UPDATE: did I say 'since...the Coup of 2000'? How could I have been so naive? Check this out (watch the whole thing, but the payoff begins at 3:53).

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