Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Foley matter - my personal opinion

Folks, let's look at the pattern. Whenever a news story breaks that seriously questions Bush on Iraq, within 48 hours another story takes over the media, one often with a sexual overtone.

Remember the JonBenet killer hysteria? We don't hear too much about that guy any more, do we?

The latest: Bob Woodward's book gets people beginning to seriously question statements made by Rice, Rummy, and Bush, and, a couple of days later, it's Foley-gate.

My guess is that the Foley story coming out on Friday was a Rovian sacrifice-him-to-divert-the-masses ploy, that has now curiously snowballed out of their control. Whether or not it takes down Hastert as well is still an open question, but you have to admit that, once again, the public is diverted from having to look at Iraq/terrorism timelines, and do the 'hard work' of reconciling Condi's statements with the inconvenient truths.

How convenient that the media has salacious IMs to play over and over, instead of real issues. Karl is indeed The Master - now if only he can find a single Democratic predator, his work is done.


ColoradoChris said...

I like your thinking. I'm not sure that I'm with it 100% (after all, I am a bit of a cynic and skeptic), but your thoughts are intriguing and worth checking out on a regular basis, methinks.
I hit the "see next blog" button on my blog and yours came up. We have a bit in common!

Anonymous said...

Could be, could be! Do you think it's diverting from Iraq or the Abramoff/Rove connection? Bill Moyers will air more on that tomorrow night. Rove is a busy bad ass. I'm thinking of a new bumper sticker:
"Wanna die sooner? Vote Republican"
Wuddya think? Shall we print a couple million up and hand them out? :)

Barry in Portland said...

I just don't know what to think, but my motto is 'suspect the worst'.

Anonymous said...

Now that's out there, way out there

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