Tuesday, December 25, 2007

that's it - Ron Paul definitely does not get my vote

My flirtation with Ron Paul lasted about 7.5 seconds, and, I have to admit, his recent statements about fascism were most endearing.

However, it is now revealed that Ron is yet another Republican Presidential candidate who simply feels that the Theory of Evolution is just a theory, and that the Science has holes.

Um, that's Dr. Ron Paul, the annointed oracle of common sense.

Um, that makes 6 of the 11 Republican candidates (including Alan Keyes, who, after all, was included in the recent debate) rejecting the notion that Evolution provides a mechanism for explaining that things can change over 4.5 billion years. Of course, there's still some debate about that last item, too.

Heading for the airport in an hour, for 6 days in LA with Karen's family. The boys are coming, too. In fact, this was the first morning in a long time, when there were 4 humans waking up in this house (if only we could get them to wake up).


Anonymous said...

There are countless theories on Evolution. Which one did he reject?

Anonymous said...

Chilton, exactly, if this author is THAT fickle with their vote, I am afraid they won't be voting for anyone.

Ron Paul believes in evolution (I think he was the ONLY candidate to raise his hand when this question was asked) but also believes in creationism.

You know, Barry, in the 1800's they thought all dinosaurs had feathers, right? If you actually believe in "evolution" would it not make sense to believe that science itself "evolves?"

Barry in Portland said...

thanks for the laugh, guys.