Sunday, May 07, 2006

Thoughts about Watergategate

Yes, that's what Randi Rhodes has dubbed the growing scandal over 'poker parties', hookers (of currently indeterminate gender), Duke Cunningham, Porter Goss, and others.

Here's an angle that one of the bloggers on DailyKos pointed out, that makes sense to me. Forget about the hookers for a minute, and let's concentrate on the poker.

The 'games' were between high-ranking congressional and other government people, and contractors/lobbyists for big defense companies. I'm just guessing that, if I were on the government end of that relationship, and had input into appropriations and contracts that would financially benefit certain companies, I would, on average, finish most poker evenings being a 'big winner'.

I wonder if there is any reporting requirement, for legislators to report money 'earned' at 'poker parties'? None dare call it bribery - yet.

What's amusing is that these folks have already admitted being present at 'poker parties', supposedly to distract us from the sex angle. The possible corruption of these sanctimonious bastards being up to their asses (so to speak) in gay hookers just adds a nice frosting on the cake of their (as yet only implied) financial corruption in dealing with companies with an interest in influencing decisions related to their public role in running the People's business.

In other words, it's no wonder that the major news this week was Patrick Kennedy's substance-abuse problems. I say it's also time for another white girl to disappear.

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