Saturday, June 02, 2012

today's news

Listening to the news this morning, I hear:

disappointing monthly jobs number, disappointing monthly jobs number, disappointing monthly jobs number, disappointing monthly jobs number, disappointing monthly jobs number, disappointing monthly jobs number...

immediately followed by...

romney says, romney says, romney says, romney says, romney says, romney says, romney says, romney says, romney says, romney says, romney says, romney says, etc.

Meanwhile, buried on page 14, it seems there is another number that just might be more meaningful in the long term.

Normally, I am quite in favor of Evolution, however, it certainly is too bad that the short-sighted gene won out over the long-term-vision gene.  It makes sense that this is so ('OMG, is that a tiger lunging at me?'), but, still, considering the general absence of tigers, why is it we are still so unable to hear the horn blaring and recognize the oncoming headlights pointing at us?

Simple, in the words of Upton Sinclair:

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

Substitue 'lifestyle' for 'salary' and it's all clear.

PS:  received this mass email this morning, from 'The Washington Times':

Say “no” to higher electricity rates!
Protect your family’s affordable electricity.
At a time of great economic stress, the EPA is enacting a series of back-door mandates that threaten to increase the cost your family’s electricity. EPA’s rules on coal will curtail America’s more affordable energy from the nationís most abundant energy resources. Click here to sign our petition against higher electricity rates!
American job losses.
With 14 million Americans already out of work — these EPA mandates could cause another 250,000 job losses across the country. We can’t afford to lose these well paying middle-class jobs. Click here to sign our petition.

    You can help. Stand up to keep energy prices low and protect
    American jobs! Sign our petition today.


Did you know that Denmark has significantly cut its carbon emissions chiefly by raising the cost of electricity?  You can look it up.