Wednesday, September 03, 2008

God is sending us messages

First, He sends Gustav towards New Orleans, to let the GOP know that they have sinned and must pay the price.

Since they didn't get that message, and are now pandering to the wacko Right-wing God squad, He's (pronoun intentional) making it more clear now, by aiming the next hurricane at George Bush's (for now) house:

Meanwhile, speaking of messages...

1 comment:

Joe Litton said...

Mitt Romney just stated at RNC that Al Gore's jet is cause of global warming. I thought you knew that.

He also said that Washington DC is run by liberals, that the ballooned fed spending is fault of liberals, and that McSame will fix all of that by putting a conservative in the White House.

My GOD, these sheeple are insane to believe this BS.