Friday, August 29, 2008

oh, the irony!

When I first heard that McCain had picked Palin for Vice President, I was thrilled, thinking that this is a person who can really bring something new to American politics.

Once my hopes had been dashed, I reflected on the thinking and this is what I think:

I believe McCain fell victim to the Right-Wing Noise Machine meme that millions of Democrats are utterly disenchanted because the majority spurned a woman, and, buying into that Rovian-generated fantasy (that had significantly-limited validity), he made his decision accordingly.

I could be wrong (uh, yeah!) but wouldn't it be delicious if this was indeed the case.

Still reeling from Pat Buchanan's praise of Obama's speech last night. I never thought I'd live to hear anything like that.

Heading to the beach tomorrow to go kayaking, and spending the night in Lincoln City. Back in Portland Sunday afternoon.

Then, off to Sisters for the Folk Festival next weekend. Busy days (not including the three hours I spent on the phone and web this morning, modifying our travel itinerary for the return from Turkey).


Joe Litton said...

My first thought was that McCain (or his handlers) are using Palin to try to garner support from bitter Hillary supporters. After reading a number of articles about Palin, watching videos of her speaking from the past couple of years, reading various commentaries (mainly from the Repub side) ...I now feel that my original thought was absolutely correct.

Yes, there will be a few uninformed voters who will vote for McCain / Palin because there's a woman on the ticket. Fortunately, most Hillary supporters are mcuh more intelligent than that, and were supporting Hillary precisely because they DO follow the issues, and DO pay attention.

So I am quite happy with McCain's selection.

Oh, and re Buchanan, when I first saw him talking (before I heard him identified) I said to Shirley, "That sure looks like Buchanan, but it can't be!" :)

Anonymous said...

Considering McSame's age and health, Sarah Palin is WAY too close to the Presidency for my comfort. I only hope others feel the same and vote accordingly.