Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Cheney, Cheney, Cheney - scared you, didn't I?

Fooled again. DOH!

This has got to go down in history as the most-perfect expression of Self Actualization in modern times:

You are appointed to head the Find-a-Vice-President committee, by a know-nothing, frat-boy, scared-shitless figurehead, and you nominate yourself. Then, you take over all the controls, and let the figurehead President do all the ceremonial fluff jobs (that the VP traditionally handled).

I heard this morning that the Secret Service's code-name for Cheney was 'Back Seat'. Quite amusing - those guys sure have a finely-tuned sense of irony.

Bush was all-too-happy to let Dick run everything (more time to exercise and cut brush!) and, now that Cheney is a runaway train, it's too late to rein him in. He is The State, and the rest of us better shut up, and that includes you, too, George.

The perfect symbol of this: when Bush was called to testify before the 9-11 Committee, and The Administration (hmmm - who could that be?) insisted that Bush and Cheney appear together, not under oath.

The Edgar Bergen/Charlie McCarthy editorial cartoons were spot on.

Only now is it emerging that Back Seat considers himself as the Supreme Overlord, accountable to nobody and with limitless power, and, coincidentally, with a stock portfolio that, come 2009, will be in great shape.

It's hard to know if this is a case where the Bush Crime Family was outfoxed by the quiet guy from Wyoming, or if they are instead quite contented, in that Back Seat delivered the goods (think 'The Carlisle Group') far more effectively than W ever could have done.

Too soon to tell.

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