Thursday, May 13, 2010

getting ready to head out

I am leaving Portland around 4 Friday morning, to drive to Rome, OR, to meet up with my brother-in-law, Eric, and friends, for a week-long float trip on the Owyhee.

I am mostly packed - still have a few items to buy for the two dinners I am responsible for. The expectations for fine-dining-on-the-river are very high!

Wrapping up my computer work for a week has been a challenge. Just a few minutes ago, I finished my last victory - a VBA module that permits you to create or modify pass-thru queries (from Access to SQL Server) on the fly (using the VBA code to build the SQL exactly as you need). The pass-thru query can then be linked to a combo-box's RowSource. Cool, eh?

It may sound arcane, but being able to do that opens up a tremendous potential for developing a maintainable hybrid Access/SQL Server application, that leverages the server database engine's power and minimizes network traffic. That's a good thing.

If I don't manage another posting, I'll see y'all in a week.

UPDATE: Don't get me wrong - I sure didn't write that module from scratch! I found an example by browsing around (Google magic!) and made a few slight modifications. Life is too short to try to figure that stuff out for yourself!

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